Building up Expectations… A Requirement in Every Classroom

Building up Expectations… A Requirement in Every Classroom

Almost a decade ago, I sat on a desk in my classroom talking to my student teacher on her last day.  She was sharing her fears about stepping into her own classroom, and I was trying my best to offer...Read More
Make Your Move… In Classroom Seating

Make Your Move… In Classroom Seating

For the first few weeks of school, my students are tortured with sitting in straight rows, all assigned a specific spot for my benefit.  I am not a name person, so learning the names, first and last, of 200+ students...Read More
Dancing the Maypole or Protesting in the Streets

Dancing the Maypole or Protesting in the Streets

As a child, I remember celebrating the coming of Spring with our May Day festival.  We learned dances, and practiced moving around the "May Pole" (which was actually out tether-ball pole!) with our ribbons in hands and our best Spring...Read More
It’s the End of February!

It’s the End of February!

The month is almost over, and if you have forgotten, it was the month for so many celebrations!  We celebrated our presidents and we've celebrated Black History.  Or did we?  So many of us, all across the country, including the...Read More