Traces of Ancient Egypt: Thoughts from an Egyptologist Turned Kids’ Writer

Traces of Ancient Egypt: Thoughts from an Egyptologist Turned Kids’ Writer

Instead of posting this week on a new strategy or resource for teaching in the Social Studies classroom, I have invited Malayna Evans to write a guest post about teaching Ancient Egypt to middle school students.  Malayna Evans was raised...Read More
5 Strategies for Teaching Primary Sources

5 Strategies for Teaching Primary Sources

The Library of Congress appropriately categorizes primary sources as the "raw materials of history," emphasizing the importance of analyzing, studying, and understanding these basic building blocks of any historical fact. By connecting students with firsthand facts and experiences, primary sources...Read More
How I Use Highlighters in the Secondary Classroom

How I Use Highlighters in the Secondary Classroom

Color is important!  In my classroom, we color coded everything. And to do that, highlighters became a very important tool!  I'm sure your students already use highlighters in your classes, but do they use them in the most effective ways? ...Read More
How-To Teach Primary Sources in the Secondary Classroom

How-To Teach Primary Sources in the Secondary Classroom

When common core standards first came out, many Social Studies teachers went crazy worrying how they would teach primary sources.  After all, for those who had taught out of textbooks, the transition could be a scary one.  On the other...Read More
Recognizing Holidays in the Upper Grades Classroom

Recognizing Holidays in the Upper Grades Classroom

As the Holiday Season approaches, and with Veteran's Day on the doorstep, we are often pressured to take time out in our upper grades classrooms to teach to the event.  While this works well with some historic events, as we...Read More
United Nations Day: Studying Historic Events with Documents and Images

United Nations Day: Studying Historic Events with Documents and Images

On October 24th, 1945, the required number of nations ratified the United Nations Charter, including the United States of America, making the UN the international organization for peace.  The charter was encouraged by American President Franklin D. Roosevelt, as he...Read More
Seeing the Big Picture: Helping Students Visualize Multiple Perspectives

Seeing the Big Picture: Helping Students Visualize Multiple Perspectives

Teaching from a textbook or singular source can often leave the impression on our students that history is one-sided. After years of this indoctrination to history, our students are blind to the truth about history.  It becomes a battle at...Read More
Start the School Year with Great Tools in Your Teacher Toolbox!

Start the School Year with Great Tools in Your Teacher Toolbox!

The tools you provide your students in the first weeks of school will be the ones that have the greatest impact on your students' success.  Introduce them to valuable learning skills, and help them to create their own learning tool...Read More