White Privilege in the Classroom: How to Teach Racial Equality as a White Teacher

White Privilege in the Classroom: How to Teach Racial Equality as a White Teacher

Unless you've pulled a Rip Van Winkle, you're probably acutely aware of the heightened state of racial inequality brought to light in the past few months. If you're a white teacher (and statistics show that 79% of teachers in 2017-2018...Read More
I Have a Dream: Teaching Unity for Martin Luther King Day and Black History Month

I Have a Dream: Teaching Unity for Martin Luther King Day and Black History Month

Over five decades ago, the inspiring Martin Luther King, Jr., summed up our purpose as teachers. "The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of...Read More
Monday Mapping: Making Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Significant

Monday Mapping: Making Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Significant

Celebrating holidays with students can be a tricky task.  When the holiday is dedicated to someone who led a movement, and died as a result of his activism, what tone should be set for the day?  More importantly, MLK's role...Read More
Out of the Deep Freeze: My D.C. Inspiration

Out of the Deep Freeze: My D.C. Inspiration

On our most recent trip to Washington, D.C. we spent a great deal of time walking around the monuments.  While I had visited most of the monuments before, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial was new to me, and as...Read More