How to Introduce Basic Geography Skills in Your Social Studies Classroom

How to Introduce Basic Geography Skills in Your Social Studies Classroom

Basic geography skills are the primer for all Social Studies lesson plans, because without a general understanding of geography, your students would lack the comprehension to digest regional norms, continental differences, and other cultural concepts. Though geography is taught in...Read More
3 Strategies for Introducing World Religions

3 Strategies for Introducing World Religions

Especially with today's political climate, teaching religion in the classroom may seem controversial or dangerous. However, no matter how "hot" the topic, World Religions are an integral part of teaching World History to your middle school and high school students....Read More
How to Set Up an Interactive Notebook

How to Set Up an Interactive Notebook

The first step to understanding how to set up an Interactive Notebook is understanding how an IN works within an Interactive Classroom. Interactive Notebooks aren't designed to be the end-all-be-all for lesson planning, note-taking, student engagement, and formative assessment. Instead, the...Read More
6 Perfect Resources for Setting Up Your Social Studies Classroom

6 Perfect Resources for Setting Up Your Social Studies Classroom

Some teachers prefer a basic, minimal classroom setup, while others embrace a colorful, lively arrangement. Either way, there are many resources online to help personalize your classroom and make it ideal for Social Studies Learning! Your classroom is already prepped...Read More
5 Strategies for Building Classroom Community

5 Strategies for Building Classroom Community

Just as a sense of community is vital in the real world, developing a strong and productive sense of community in the classroom is critical. Though your students may encounter challenges throughout the year, the partnership and support of a...Read More
5 Strategies for Teaching Student Responsibility

5 Strategies for Teaching Student Responsibility

As middle school and high school teachers, our classrooms are full of young, budding students who are adjusting to a mature school career in which teachers don't hand-hold, emphasize syllables in a verbal spelling test, or allow attempt after attempt...Read More