Seating Charts in the Secondary Classroom

Classroom organization is one of the first things that come to mind at back to school time. Desk or seating chart arrangement, along with ideas and planning for behavior management are priorities. A good seating chart template can be the saving grace for the middle or high school classroom.

Classroom organization is one of the first things that come to mind at back to school time. Desk or seating chart arrangement, along with ideas and planning for behavior management were priorities. A good seating chart template can be the saving grace for the middle or high school classroom.

In the first days of school, as I am setting my classroom expectations and explaining classroom rules, a traditional seating chart is a requirement. If for no other reason, it will help me to learn the names of my 140+ students each day.

After the first few weeks, my seating is absolutely dependent on the activity or teaching strategy I will be using in class. While a seating assignment is common 90% of the time in my classroom, the seating arrangements themselves change often.

So, how can you assign seating in your secondary classroom?  Take a look at these incredible ideas and resources!

1. The TesolClass on Youtube has a quick introduction of the 3 main types of seating and the pros and cons for each. This may help you find your main go-to in the very beginning.

2. Next is this incredible infographic. I love the visual guide and it helps me see all of the options in one easy place!

3. Teach Create Motivate has some incredible ideas for Flexible Seating. I love these ideas and I love that students have options in how they manage their own behavior and academic success.

4. Need more ideas on Flexible Seating? Check out these 15 ideas from Playdoh to Plato.

5. Permanently Primary brings out the zen for learning with her yoga mat idea. I’ve done yoga for many years, and my mat is one of my favorite places to think! It only makes sense to let it be a seating option for deeper learning.

6. I’ve also written a few blog posts over the years about seating arrangements and icebreakers on the first day of school. Click over to keep reading and maybe you will find the perfect method for your classroom!
Make Your Move in Classroom Seating
Are You Ready for Back to School?
Easy Collaboration-Building Icebreakers for the First Day of School

And then there’s that template I mentioned!  In my Back to School Bundle you will find 9 Seating Chart Templates, Classroom Management Tools, First Day of School Activities, and SO MUCH MORE!

Classroom organization is one of the first things that come to mind at back to school time. Desk or seating chart arrangement, along with ideas and planning for behavior management were priorities. A good seating chart template can be the saving grace for the middle or high school classroom.I hope this gives you some ideas for arranging your classroom and that you have a wonderful start this year!

Happy Teaching!