Teaching with Primary Sources and Being Fearless

Teaching in a Social Studies classroom right now can be a bit scary. Not only are we the subject area often neglected when it comes to resources, we are also the target of underserved anger from those afraid the content we teach. Teaching with primary sources can help you be fearless in your classroom. After all, you will be using the actual words of those that lived in the past. The conclusions students make will be their own!

Teaching with primary sources can help you be fearless in your classroom AND help your students be successful!

Teaching with Primary Sources Basics

There are a few steps to follow when you teach with primary sources. These are important for you and for your students.

  1. Teach the difference between primary and secondary resources. You may think your students know this difference, but review the concept to make sure it is clear.
  2. Teach the process of analysis. Make sure your analysis process is ideal for use with primary sources. If you need a great starter lesson on Analyzing Primary Sources, my resource may help.
  3. Practice. Practice. Practice. Start off with small sources (quotes are great) and work your way up to larger or more in-depth sources. I decorated my classroom with quote posters and started off the year with a quote a day for analysis.
  4. Remember that primary sources are not just text. They can be images, songs, video, and the list goes on. Teach with all possible primary sources in each lesson to help your students truly experience the past.
  5. Use varied strategies to teach with primary sources. Collaborative strategies help students process the content better and encourages them to dig deeper for better understanding. Need strategy ideas? Take a look at these posts!

Teaching with Primary Sources Benefits

We are now teaching in a political climate where teachers face mistrust and anger from parents, especially in the Social Studies classroom. If you transform your lessons into ones where primary sources are the basis, you will protect yourself from those outside attacks while still effectively teaching your students history. You can go into your classroom with confidence, always able to show you are teaching history from the mouths of those in the past, not from your own!

Teaching with Primary Sources Can Be Easy

This is the best part! Primary sources are now easy to find. The National Archives and Smithsonian libraries store America’s past and has much of it available for students or teachers to access online. Presidential libraries store documents that help students understand presidential decisions. Even local libraries and museums can help your students truly see the history of their own hometown or state.

Still stuck? Looking for ready to use resources that ask the questions for you? I can help!

Teaching with primary sources can help you be fearless in your classroom AND help your students be successful!

Be Fearless

I know it may be a lot to ask, but try to teach fearlessly! History is so important for our students to learn. It teaches them to think for themselves and how to disseminate information. This is vital today, more than ever.

Wishing you a fearless year,