Recognizing Holidays in the Upper Grades Classroom

As the Holiday Season approaches, and with Veteran’s Day on the doorstep, we are often pressured to take time out in our upper grades classrooms to teach to the event.  While this works well with some historic events, as we can clearly tie them to our curriculum, with others it seems bothersome and time-consuming when we have so much other content to cover.  That leaves the question:
How can we address the Holidays in our Upper Level Classrooms?

My quick suggestion is to incorporate the Holiday into a primary source or document analysis activity.  Have students read about the event, evaluate how the event came about, or review the legislation passed to allow for the Holiday.

For Veteran’s Day, analyze the congressional act and President Wilson’s commendation of our soldiers for their service in war. The activity addresses the event, pleasing those in your administration who demand you pay homage, while it also allows students to practice skills that are vital in your Social Studies classroom!

Need that analysis activity for Veteran’s Day?  Find it HERE!

See other Primary Source Analysis Activities in my TpT Store!

And be sure to Link Over to see my friend’s great ‘Holiday in the Classroom Idea Blog Posts’ starting November 1st!


And, do you want to get a head start on THE Holiday Season?  Take a look at this fun and engaging activity: My Walking Tour Through the Winter Holidays!

 Happy Teaching!