While the Interactive Classroom itself lends to exciting activities and engagement, creative assessments add another layer of depth. Keep things interesting by closing a fun and engaging lesson with an exciting evaluation. By incorporating creative assessments such as fictional writing, podcasts, speeches, artistic renderings, collages, and more, you can encourage students to keep learning, digesting, and engaging.

There are many types of creative assessment to try in your Interactive Classroom. With opportunities in visual arts, performance arts, written expression, and even informational evaluation, students will engage deeply with the lesson from beginning to end.
Visual Art Assessments
Some students can present an artistic and visual interpretation of content that demonstrates their understanding much better than they could demonstrate with words. Some of the greatest assessments I’ve ever seen in my classroom have been those with a visual representation.
- Videos
- Collages
- Artistic Renderings
- Dioramas
- Comic Strips
- Photography
Performance Art Evaluations
With performative assessments, natural born performers can showcase their talents and highlight their knowledge. If students have trouble focusing or staying still, performance art can give them the chance to get up and moving around the classroom!
- Skits/Plays
- Mock Debates
- Speeches
- Songs/Raps
- Interpretive Dances
Written Expression Assessments
By allowing students creativity, they can really interpret and apply the content. I once had a Social Studies student who wrote a short story from a rat’s perspective during the Triangular Trade Route.
- Creative Writing Pieces (Short Stories)
- Song Lyrics
- Acrostic Poems
- Written Poetry
Informational Sharing
Some students may prefer a more traditional assessment that still allows them to focus on the information and content, but allows a creative aspect or outlet. Information-sharing activities like these allow students to present information with a twist.
- Illustrated Timelines
- One Pagers/Brochures
- Podcasts

Above all, including these assessments with different lessons will allow students different opportunities to engage. In addition, it makes it interesting for all students! Some students may prefer written expression while others are more artistic. Giving students the choice to pick between different assessment options encourages differentiation that will empower students to further their own learning. As a result, students will flourish within their choices.
Browse many ready-to-go assessments in my store!
Happy Assessing!