A New Age of Exploration!

As we are traveling up the West Coast, it has been a new “Age of Exploration” for me!  I had no idea when we planned this little adventure that I would see such diversity and experience so many different landscapes as we took the 1200 mile trek.

I lived in Seattle, Washington back in the late 1980s, and I had traveled down I-5 on our move from Seattle to El Paso, Texas.  I remember being surprised at the mountains and deserts we encountered as we drove, but I was too young and too unaware to really see everything on our path.

This trip has been eye opening and filled with wondrous experiences.  I have walked beautiful beaches, collected sea glass, seashells, and agate, and listened to the waves rush in all along the coast.  But beyond the typical beach experience, there is so much more.

In San Diego, we stayed up in the mountains of Yamul, and had to drive a very scary cliff-hanging road to reach the shore each day.  Between LA and San Francisco, we climbed sand dunes and then slid down the other sides as we walked the mile from our campground to the crashing waves of the Pacific Ocean.  In northern California, we were surrounded by the great Redwoods, and could look for what seemed like miles trying to spot the treetops.

And now we are on the Oregon Coast where huge rocks sit along the coast, and rocky jets dart out into the ocean, allowing you to walk on top of the water as you search for signs of the migrating whales. 

Despite my having taught Geography for many years, I am in awe everyday that there is so much more out here for me to learn!  I can’t even imagine what it was like for those explorers 500 years ago as they encountered these same areas and were amazed at all there was to examine and conquer ahead of them!

Happy Teaching!