Do you accept LATE WORK?

Do you accept late work?

I have had so many students that do not pay attention to deadlines. More importantly, they are not even concerned about being responsible or passing their classes with acceptable grades. They are more than willing to accept zeros, and many live under the assumption that they will have a chance at the end of the quarter to “make it all up” before the grades are official. Yet, I need them to complete the assignments NOW to help them learn and practice the content and skills I am teaching NOW. I need them to do the work NOW so they are prepared for the test we will take NOW. What good is the later?

My policy has always been (15+ years of teaching) to NOT accept late work, and I strongly believe that students learn irresponsibility through teachers bending rules and policies to adapt to irresponsibility. Also, having worked in the “civilian” world before teaching, I learned quickly that employers do not have late policies. If you are late with your work, you are fired. If you are late to work, you are fired. Why should it be different for students who need to learn these valuable lessons before the penalty is more than an assignment grade?

But now there are many trends in late policies, and even some districts have mandated the acceptance of late work for their schools.  There is even research supporting varying sides of the dilemma.   And there are valid arguments, some suggesting that it’s better to have students turn in the work late than not at all.  Still, I question the lesson.

So, back to my question.  
Do you accept late work? Why or why not?
Happy Teaching!

4 thoughts on “Do you accept LATE WORK?

  1. I don't but I have Special Education students. Sometimes they don't do homework at all. It is marked they have not done their homework and then they need to do the work. In my son's school, the parent's need to sign the homework policy, so we are aware of the consequences of late work/no work. Also, we need to sign the planner every night so we know what work was expected and when things are due.
    I agree with you that late work should not be accepted, at work it isn't tolerated and at a company like Fairway if you are late to work, you lose your job. You are told of the policy and are expected to abide by it. I think by letting parents know the policy the kids and the parents are on notice that they can't just make it up at the end of a quarter.

  2. I don't accept late work but my administration often overrides this policy if parents complain. I agree that we are not preparing our students for the real world but it isn't worth losing my job over. If parents want their children to be failures, so be it. After 14 years of falling standards, falling pay, and disrespect, I have no energy left to fight.

  3. I didn't used too. However… this year I changed my policy.
    They can turn in late work but each late day is -10 points.
    Any grade is better than a 0 and that way they are more inclined to turn something in even if it's late.
    It still holds them accountable but less kids are failing.

    ❤ Mor ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure

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