Time Filling Activities

While many teachers struggle at the end of the year to get through their content with the few moments left in the school year, others find themselves with time left at the end of the year that they do not want to go to waste.  What to do?

Make it fun!  Make it fulfilling!  Make it something to remember!

  • Review the big concepts using games or “big paper” activities.
  • Allow students choice in the lessons and activities they do in the final weeks.
  • Turn the lessons over to the students for team/group instruction and competition!
  • Review with play, such as creating paper dolls or doing scavenger hunts.
  • Use the time for reflection and discussion on what we can all do better in the next year!

Here are a few tools to help you utilize those final days!

Allow students to pick their favorite characters from the books or lessons they learned in the year.  Create paper dolls and organize the dolls into themes or categories around the room!

Turn your classroom into a competitive stage with student-created board games on the different units you have covered throughout the school year!

Engage your students in an Olympic Competition!  Allow students to learn or review while competing in games of reason, strategy and fitness.  Be ready for the award ceremony, too!
Review all of your year’s content with relays and other exciting individual or group activities.  You’ll be amazed at how your students will work together to win these fun review games!
Keep your students learning new content while they have fun at the end of the year!  Use scavenger hunts to introduce them to fun facts about the presidents, new countries, or any other topic!
Have students plan their own travel itinerary as they learn about the history, costs, and excitement of planning that perfect vacation.  Travel the U.S., your local region, or even the world!

Happy Teaching!
