Tuesday Travels: Into the Pacific Northwest

Traveling from Northern California to the Oregon Coast last year was one of the most beautiful drives we have ever taken in our motorhome.  Over the multi-day trip, we went from beautiful countryside, along amazing winding rivers, and finally to the Pacific Coast.  Despite the beauty of the trip, Steve will swear this was one of the most challenging drives he’s ever completed.

Our stop in Cave Junction, OR was just supposed to be an overnight stay, but turned into a 2-day adventure.  The quaint little campground was family run, and they were very helpful in providing us ideas for the cool spring day.  Their suggestions led us to a beautiful river we walked beside for hours, a handful or crafty gem stores, and a family thrift shop where we met and talked to a young girl confused about her academic future for well over 90 minutes.  While this was not a locations where the sites were over the top, the connections and conversations made it a stop to never forget.

Florence, Oregon was our next destination.  To get there, we drove south to the coast of California, and then back north up the Pacific Coast Highway.  This became Steve’s greatest challenge as the winds off the ocean blew way up onto the road, requiring great focus and strength in keeping the coach in the lane.  Still, once the drive was over, we found that our destination was going to be another of those wonderful stops that would leave us happy for our choice to travel the west.

This little coastal city was a diamond in the rough.  From the rocks lined up along the coastal inlet to the little shops downtown, the touristy location was filled with memories to be made.  But before we could start making those memories, we stopped in for lunch at the Beachcomber Pub where we found incredible food and a touch of home: the UK Basketball team in action.

Unfortunately, our stay was not bright and cheery for long.  After the first few days, the rains came in and it rained and rained and rained… Well you get the idea.  It rained so much that we finally packed up early and headed back inland for a stay in Salem before heading onto Portland, our next scheduled stop.

Overall, Oregon was absolutely beautiful.  The coastline was one that would not serve well in southern California, but it was amazing for the adventurer in me!  Around every corner was something to be seen, and in every wave came a fresh new start to the beauty that was all around.

Happy Travels!