Teaching Geography is one of my favorite subjects. There is so much to learn, but more importantly, there is so much in our world that is just fascinating to see and hear more about! The best part about teaching in our Internet world is that it’s all now available for your students just a click away! And I’ve even done the work for you in compiling this list of the 10 best!

Top 10 Websites for Teaching Geography
- National Geographic – National Geographic has to be at the top of the list. With vivid images, incredible stories, and deep examinations of all parts of the world, they set the standard for any World Geography study.
- Sheppard Software – I love using games for review and Sheppard Software has them all. From the continents to the capitals to geographic features, they have everything you need to allow your students to practice their knowledge without the intimidation of more structured assessments!
- Geography.com – This website is designed specifically for the study of Geography. Enter as a student or teacher and find verified links for any type of content or activity you want. For those classrooms using Genius Hour, this is a great tool for product development.
- World Geography Games – Another great site for skills and content practice, this one has every topic possible for your students to play to learn all about World Geography.
- The World Geography – Not your traditional Geography fact-finding website, but instead this one offers amazing images and imaginative stories to bring Geography alive for your students.
- The U.S. Census Bureau – Now if you want facts, this is the place to go. The Census Bureau has all of the details on every stat you can imagine, all in an easy to search and organize format.
- Fact Monster – Speaking of facts, the FactMonster has it all. With a long list of Geographic topics, you can find many options for immersing your students in research!
- Social Studies for Kids – While not a visually appealing website, this one does have good, solid content for studies the basics of Geography. Whether you need to know the major bodies of water or how to read longitude and latitude, this one has the answers with easy to read explanations.
- Duckster’s Geography for Kids – For great maps and descriptions of basic Geographic facts, this is the place to go. Maps are clear and introductory information is provided for each region of the world in a very well organized manner.
- Science Kids Geography – For those who integrate Science and Social Studies, this is the site for you. From basic Geographic facts to the Scientific explanation behind our world’s geography, this is the site!
And if this isn’t enough… Take a look at these two posts for even more suggestions!
- The Arlington Public Library compiled these 5 Great Geography Websites for traveling families, but they are also perfect for the classroom!
- And if you like lists, the Top Site List offers their picks on the best Geography Sites for studying Geography!

Finally, whether you are teaching a full World Geography course or simply want to add in Geographic knowledge to your History or Social Studies class, this complete collection of resources is all you need! Link to individual units or products, or take advantage of the huge bundle for everything you need in the Secondary Social Studies classroom!
Happy Teaching!
Great post. and great website. Thanks for the information!
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