The Beauty of Our Nation

As we travel the United States, we are in awe at the beauty and majesty of our nation.  So far, we have traveled from home in Central Kentucky to Southeast Pennsylvania to Central Florida, across the South from Florida to California, and now we are headed up the West Coast. 

We have driven through deserts, across plains, up (and down) steep graded mountains, along jetty coasts, and through deep dividing valleys.  Our travels have allowed us to see the natural beauty of our country, and to experience life in a way few ever get to enjoy.  It has also helped me to relax, and I am slowly learning to “stop and smell the roses!”

Still, the teacher in me comes out every day.  I see lessons for my students everywhere.  Even more amazing, I see lessons I never could have taught before.  I see the interdisciplinary nature of our world, and I now better understand the regional differences I have taught about for so long!

And now that I’ve traveled this far, I can’t wait to see the rest.  Just imagine what else I will learn as we go!

Happy Teaching!
