Summertime Planning to Ease into the Next School Year

The school year may be coming to a close, but we all know teachers don’t get a summer break! Sure, we may have a few days off in the summer, but many of us spend those days planning and preparing for the coming semester. A well-planned school year means less stress for you! Taking time to plan during the summer will ensure a hitch-free start for the next year. Summertime planning isn’t fun, but it is necessary.

The school year may be coming to a close, but we all know teachers don't get a summer break! Sure, we may have a few days off in the summer, but many of us spend those days planning and preparing for the coming semester. A well-planned school year means less stress for you! Taking time to plan during the summer will ensure a hitch-free start for the next year. Summertime planning isn't fun, but it is necessary.  #summerplanning #teachersummer

Summertime Planning to Set Yourself Up for Success

Planning during the summer isn’t all unit planning and test creation. When done right, summertime planning is all-encompassing and starts at the core of your classroom – classroom climate. By starting the year off organized and with clear expectations, students can succeed in your classroom throughout the semester. Establishing these core expectations for your classroom is vital.

From there, planning your back to school shopping list and decor will ensure a fun and engaging learning environment for all. Students will benefit from your preparation here. Then, you can dive into curriculum planning and designing your individual units.

All of this planning, though extensive, will benefit you and your students throughout the year. Don't be overwhelmed. Use the below as a guide for summertime planning. I know you can do it, and without tons of stress or anxiety! #summerpreparation #teacherprep #summerplanning

All of this planning, though extensive, will benefit you and your students throughout the year. Don’t be overwhelmed. Use the below as a guide for summertime planning. I know you can do it, and without tons of stress or anxiety!

Happy Planning!