Teaching Geography is one of the best Social Studies gigs to get!
There are so many amazing resources for teaching the course,
and fun strategies for teaching Geography are also unlimited.
Follow this Quick Tips for Teaching Geography Series
to learn those strategies for your classroom!

Quick Tips #2: Name Games
Learning the names of places in the US or around the World can be a great challenge, but it can also be fun when it is done with games!
Here are a few Geography Games to get your students closer to mastering those far off locations!
Learning the names of places in the US or around the World can be a great challenge, but it can also be fun when it is done with games!
Here are a few Geography Games to get your students closer to mastering those far off locations!

Globe Throw
For my students, the appearance of the globe ball meant they could finally throw something in class. But beware – where your thumb hits, you must quickly name the country and provide one fact about the location. While the names are provided on most blow-up globes, you can create a decoupage globe for an added challenge!
Topic Tag
This simple game can be played in any class, but for my Geography students, it was a quick call review for continental country names. Each student, when tagged, must name one of the countries being studied in the current unit. Bonus points could be added by the student locating the country on a map or globe!
I See, You See
Using projected state or country shapes, students must identify their shape and then call on a friend for the next one. Reviewing for units can be done in this fun way, and the competition can get real as the locations get more challenging! Make it even more fun with this Spin the States Game and a simple game spinner!
Shape Match
With any blank map or blank state or country card sets, students can play matching games to learn the names with ease. Practice while playing Go Fish or let the students create their own games for matching names to shapes. For those with online access, Sheppard Software has games for all countries and states to help students practice with varied levels of difficulty.
Sing A Song
For years, elementary students have learned songs to practice naming the states. Continue using music to reinforce the names and their locations. With blank maps, students can label as they sing, or get kids up and moving by having them take turns pointing to the correct location on wall maps as names are called.
Be sure to click on the Quick Tips category over on the ride side of this blog for more great strategies that can bring more fun and learning into your classroom!

Happy Teaching!