Mapping is a vital skill to learn in the Geography classroom, and there are so many great strategies that we can use to make learning and practicing that skill fun and engaging. Here are a few to get your started in your Geography classroom.

Basic Outline Maps & Competition
One without the other does not quite do it, but when you add the two together, you get a challenging exercise that engages students and fires them up for learning. Start with a blank map of the region you wish to teach, add an atlas, and have your students begin filling in the states, countries… Each day of the unit, begin limiting the atlas use. And then, once your students learn the locations, start to limit the time. You’ll be surprised how quickly students can accurately label all of the countries in a region when a stopwatch is ticking and small reward are at stake!
Map Obstacle Course
When students can be up and moving, they are more excited about participating AND learning. Set up a small obstacle course in your classroom. Place students into teams of 5-6. Call out the name of one location for students to find in an atlas or on a wall map at the end of the course. The first team to find all of the locations wins! Make the obstacle course related to cultural games or tasks of the region for added content connections!
Making a Map
There is nothing better for reinforcing skills than using your hands to create a related product. So, for teaching about the states or countries, make a map! But don’t just have students label a blank outline, let them build the maps. Create in 3-D format or have students add virtual elements to their displays. And to make it even more enticing, have students add a taste of each location to their maps with local favorites they can make at home!
Mapping History
Mapping locations can be boring, so make your lessons more engaging by adding in the basics of history. Allow students to add pop-up timelines or to color in the characteristics of important events. Follow a specific listing of historic events for a region, or allow students to choose fun events as they research the location on their own. Pop-up maps can bring both the Geography and the History to life.
Topographic Map Making
And saving the best for last… making topographic maps to study regions and their geographic imprint is the most fun you can have in a Geography class. Whether you are in grade 6 or grade 12, your students will love digging their hands into the clay to complete map building projects that will amaze your eyes and brains!
Teaching with maps in the Geography classroom should be an every day event. And when you make that event more engaging, and even fun, you keep them coming back for more!
Be sure to check out my Quick Tips category (on the right side of this blog) for more great ideas for your Geography or History classroom.

Happy Teaching!