My First Post

Starting my own blog is somewhat like stepping into my own classroom for the first time. I didn’t know what to expect, and I had no idea where to start…

I remember that I planned and planned until I had enough lessons to last a lifetime (or the first week) – or so I thought! Despite my professor’s warning to all of us recent graduates, “Always plan to go beyond the bell. You’d rather have too much than too little,” I knew I had it all planned out perfectly for my 50 minute class. I was a “meant to be” teacher, wasn’t I? So my well organized, thorough lesson plans (right down to the materials needed) were laid out on my desk that first day, and as the students entered, I met them with a smile and a boatload of confidence. That lasted, oh, 20 minutes. What I realized later, was that I talked far faster than normal when I am nervous. My planned 50 minute introduction and discussion of classroom expectations turned into a 20 minute recitation. Thank goodness for that good ole History Alive “Meet & Greet” activity from the back of the book. “Find someone who…”

I did survive those first days of teaching, and now I am considered a “Master” or “Highly Qualified” teacher, working with the newbies and trying to help them not make the same mistakes. In designing activities, I think about the new teachers and hope the activity will build their confidence as it helps them to teach a solid lesson to their students. I also try to create activities that will engage the students and help them to see that learning can be fun (and interesting, too!). In the end, I want everyone to love going to school like I do – the teachers and the students!

One thought on “My First Post

  1. Congratulations on starting your blog! I think you will find that it is a lot of fun! Your blog looks great!
    Amy (aka Science Stuff)

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