Teaching in today’s world requires presenting content in a number of varied ways for student engagement and content retention. Wouldn’t it be awesome to prep just ONE resource with different strategies for optimal student learning? If you are willing to be creative in your lesson presentation, you can do this with ease!
Choosing a Resource with Varied Strategy Options
Many resources are created with one single use in mind. Those resources may be great, but students need repeated exposure to the same content and skills to retain that information. Using more versatile resources in multiple ways may be a better approach for greater student learning. A bonus with this strategy is that it also builds student confidence in the learning process since familiarity plays a roll in the learning process.
Consider these traits for Interactive Resources:
- Provide comprehensive content
- Can be easily manipulated for varied strategies
- Engage students’ attention
- Are easy for students to process
- Include visuals, creative options, or other media for greater brain processing
How to Vary a Single Resource with Many Strategies
To show how to vary resources in your classroom, I’m going to use my Renaissance and Reformation Timeline Activity. This resource was created to be used as a standard timelining lesson. This is a great way for students to gather and process a large amount of information in a short period of time – something we have to do often in History classes. The first option is the directions provided in the resource for teachers. The others are extension lessons to make this resource more useful in your classes.

Many Strategies for Student Learning
There are so many strategies that can help student learn more and better. Using those varied strategies makes your classroom more interactive and provides a learning climate where cooperation and learning go hand-in-hand. And being able to utilize one single resource to do that is an added bonus!
Need more ideas on effective strategies for your classroom? They are here! Just link to find great ideas on creating the interactive, learning environment of your dreams. And the best part – your students will love you for it AND will learn more than you or they ever imagined!
Need that timeline activity? Grab it here!
Need similar resources for other periods or topics? Find them here!
Happy Teaching!

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