It is just what we do…

As you all know, I participated in the Tpt Secondary Teachers Contest this past weekend. It was very exciting as we all planned and prepared, following the forum each day as the contest idea developed into the contest itself (Thanks Spanishplans!). And after watching all of the elementary teachers gain so many followers and buyers through their contest, we all had high hopes that our $100,000 checks would be coming soon (Deanna inspired!). But, we are secondary, and it just doesn’t work that way.

So, here are my thoughts on the whole Tpt for secondary teachers situation…

We are teachers. We create specialized curriculum for our classrooms, and more importantly, for our students. It is just what we do. We do not sit in our studies and think, “Hmmm, will this sell on Tpt?” No, we plan, and create, and design for our kids. What will work in MY classes. And then, we think as an afterfact…”Oh, I bet other teachers and students will love this, too!”

Maybe that is the wrong attitude to have toward my Tpt participation, but it is the truth for me. My kids come first, and my classroom is my domain!

Now does that mean I don’t care about Tpt? Absolutely NOT! TpT is incredible. It is the most wonderful resource that has popped up online since I started my teaching career 12 years ago. And I wish it had been around when I was a student teacher and a new teacher. The resources available on this site are amazing, tested and proven resources that could help any teacher make their classroom shine – and more importantly, help their students grow! What could be better?

So, secondary teachers – don’t get discouraged! It’s not about a contest or even about the sales. It’s just what we do… Keep it up!

3 thoughts on “It is just what we do…

  1. I agree, Michelle! I think part of their success is that they've been able to spread the word to other teachers via message boards like ProTeachers,, and other places for elementary. Secondary is so specialized, so I think we have to seek out those sites that we use in our field & participate in the message boards. I know I've been discouraged from doing it in one of the largest English-teachers site, which is frustrating, but I'm not giving up. I think one of these days the pendulum will once again swing our way. Thanks for the inspiring post! 🙂

  2. Thanks for the mention, Michelle.
    It was definitely an interesting adventure. I think the few of us that are secondary are definitely laying the groundwork and hopefully we will see an increase in Secondary participation (both selling and buying)

  3. I feel the same way. THere is no way that middle school teachers can keep up with EITHER elementary of secondary teachers. We are all just caught in the middle to fend for ourselves.

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