Need new, creative ways to assess student learning?
Try using a Quiz Card Activity!

Here’s the simple how-to:
- Select questions to provide a complete assessment on the content taught.
- Create quiz cards or purchase them ready-made. If cards are not already numbered, write numbers on the back or add number stickers. Visit my TpT store for great Scavenger Hunt Sets that work very well with this activity.
- Laminate cards to protect them from year to year. Hole-punch card sets to place them on a ring for easy storage.
- Place students in small groups. Mixed ability grouping works well to help all students in this type of activity.
- Arrange the cards in a random method on each group table. Randomization helps to guarantee students KNOW the content and have not simply memorized an ordered arrangement.
- Have students number their paper for quiz. This may be an assessment you collect, or could be for students to keep in their notebook for further review.
- Allow students to pick from quiz cards, completing questions in a random order. Have students answer in simple wording or require full sentences to help reinforce ideas.
- Give students the option of discussing questions with group for more interactivity.
- Grade as a whole class for added review.
Using quiz cards and allowing student discussion not only assesses student understanding and content knowledge, but it works to review the content for added reinforcement.
***My Presidents Scavenger Hunt is shown in this activity how-to.
Be sure to see my other How-To Series topics on my blog and visit my TpT Store for engaging, content strong lessons!

Happy Teaching!