How To Boost Student Success: 5 Engaging Collaborative Classroom Activities

Collaboration is an essential skill that students need to develop in order to succeed in school and in life. As teachers, we need to provide opportunities for our students to work together, learn from each other, and solve problems together. The following are my favorite collaborative classroom activities that will let your students build a community of learners.

Collaborative classroom activities will foster great learning success for your students!

Group or Student-Centered Projects

Group projects are a great way for students to work together and collaborate. Divide your class into groups of three to four students and assign them a project to complete. Encourage them to divide the work and work together to create something they are proud of. This will help students learn how to work together, communicate effectively, and respect each other’s opinions. Consider inquiry-based projects that allow students choice!


This is a simple but effective activity that can be used in any subject. Pose a question to your class and ask them to think about it individually for a minute or two. Then, have them pair up with a partner and share their thoughts. Finally, ask a few pairs to share their combined ideas with the rest of the class. This activity helps students collaborate, share ideas, and learn from each other. And thy these great variations on Think-Pair-Share to make it more fun!

Peer Editing & Presentations

Peer editing is a great way for students to collaborate and improve their writing skills. After students have completed a writing assignment, pair them up with a partner and have them exchange their papers. Encourage them to read each other’s work and provide feedback. This will help students learn how to give and receive constructive criticism, and improve their writing skills. I did this with simple assignments, too! Example: Write a thesis statement on today’s lesson. Edit with your table.

Jigsaw & Response Group Activities

The jigsaw activity is a cooperative learning technique that can be used in any subject. Divide your class into small groups and assign each group a specific topic or subtopic to research. After they have completed their research, have the groups mix and match so that each group has a member from each topic. Encourage them to share what they learned and create a cohesive presentation or report. This activity helps students collaborate, share ideas, and learn from each other.

Gallery Walks, Walking Tours, or Big Paper Activities

A gallery walk or walking tour is a great way to get students moving and collaborating. Hang up posters or papers around the room with different questions or topics. Divide your class into small groups and have them walk around the room, stopping at each poster to discuss the question or topic with their group. Encourage them to write down their thoughts on sticky notes or index cards and stick them on the posters. This activity helps students collaborate, share ideas, and learn from each other.

Collaborative classroom activities will foster great learning success for your students!

In conclusion, collaboration is an essential skill that students need to develop in order to succeed in school and in life. By providing opportunities for our students to work together, learn from each other, and solve problems together, we can help them develop this skill and prepare them for the future. Try out some of these activities in your classroom and see how your students benefit from collaborating with each other.

Happy Teaching!