Back to School Common Core eBook on TpT!

Knowing that teachers are headed back to school, and stressing about the implementation of the Common Core Standards, a bunch of TpT sellers have teamed up to bring you the Common Core Back-to-School eBooks!

eBooks are divided by subject area and by grade level to help you find just what you need this school year as you start your planning.  Each teacher’s page provides freebies, other product suggestions, and most importantly, TIPS for implementing CCSS.

Start with the eBook for Social Studies, filled with a great assortment of freebies and other products from recognized TpT Social Studies sellers, and then link over to the other subject areas and grade levels from the TpT product page for a great assortment of ideas and tips for this new school year.

Hopefully, with this great tool, your school year will start off wonderfully and end with great success!
